Tuesday, April 6, 2010

best birthday present!

today i stopped in at work on a break from school and got a late birthday present from a coworker! but the best thing about this piece of art is that my friend who made it told me that it was one of his favorite pieces he's ever done and he's held onto it because that.
so he told me he gave it to me because he thought i would appreciate it as much as he!
i really love it so much!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

hear the bells ringing they're singing Christ is risen from the dead, hear the bells ringing they're singing Christ is risen as He said!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty.

who was and is and is to come.

with all creation i sing praise to the King of kings.

you are my everything and i will adore You!

pretty much i am obsessed with this song right now.
i think it is so amazing. i love the idea of praising the Lord with all of creation,
and the word adore, it's just one of those words that you don't use,
unless you really adore that person.
gosh and to adore the Lord, it's just beyond what i can imagine.

so it's easter and i woke up at 5amish to go to church at 6, it was awesome.
i stayed for two services, sang a lot of songs, and then went out for breakfast with my friends.

there are a couple things i am really grateful for,
well first the fact the God loves me just for who i am.
that my ankle hurts. i've grumbled some but i feel God has been blessing me in ways i don't even know during this time of recovery.
i feel grateful that i always have money, it might not be a lot of money, but it is enough to get by.
i am grateful that i can go out to eat with my friends every sunday after church and spend time fellowship with those crazy kids.

this weekend has been pretty wonderful for the last thing i want to tell you that i am grateful for.
i reflected a lot on all that Jesus went through to be the atonement of sin and him raising for the grave so we can all have communion with the Father.
absolutely breathtakingly amazing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

so far this day has been productive!

i woke up late! i don't know why i've been doing that lately, but i woke up around 10, eeuucchh..
i like waking up at 8 or 830. 10 seems like i've wasted so much time.
anyway, last night i cleaned my room and got rid of clothes. also i realized all the cute shirts i have but don't wear, so again i cut one up and sewed it onto my favorite zip up.
i love it! it looks so cute!
i decided to make myself some VEGAN chocolate glazed doughnuts!
i am so excited that i've been making vegan treats lately and that they taste good,
all i want to do is bake and serve people coffee! it's such a delight!